5 Different Types of Websites/Blogs that Rank on the First Page of Google

For most Bloggers/Webmasters ranking their websites on the front page of google is the key factor to drive majority traffic from Google. In the process of ranking their pages on the first page of google they tend to do a lot of practices(SEO/SMO). In this article I am going to explain you different kinds of Blogs/Websites that you find on the Front Page of Google and why?

According to Google they want to show the best possible and most relevant content on the top of google search results. In this process they have developed a lot of algorithms. However I find that the algorithms are not yet perfect and need to be rectified.

This article might help you in understanding things better about the different types of blogs that you find on the front page of google and the reason behind it.

Category #1. Google News Websites

As you have seen most of the time when you are searching for a news topic or the topic that is trending you tend to see news section on the top of the google search results. Majority of the time this section is taken up by big news channels and big media company websites.


these websites have an advantage and they drive massive traffic from the google news section. Though there are many news websites that pop up each and every day, not all last long. Only the websites that push high quality content last long in news section. Even though they don’t push high quality content the site will still be listed in google news once its approved but its visibility in news gets decreased day by day if the sites don’t push high quality content in large volumes.

Now that the news sites receive a lot of traffic they tend to gain a lot of authority with time. So, not only in the news section but these news sites will also start outranking all others sites in the organic results as well because of their huge authority. Its really very difficult to compete with such sites. Also most of the google updates favour these sites and we only see their ranking boosting day by day. So such kind of websites will last very long on the front page of google.

Category #2. The HoneyMoon Effect Websites/Blogs

Some people might be aware of it and some might be hearing it for the first time. There is an effect called “HoneyMoon” in SEO language. The blogs that are undergoing this phase rank extremely well without any reason. The blogger/webmaster might be thinking that he might have done something magical and his site started ranking. But the fact is that its just a phase which almost every blog/website goes into. This is a kind of opportunity given by Google to the webmaster to showcase his work when ranked on the top of search results.

However these blogs will loose rankings with time if the webmaster/blogger doesn’t push quality content which can drive them organic backlinks. Most of the bloggers tend to fall for this trap. Once their sites gets into this phase they start stuffing their sites with full of keywords to take advantage of this phase later one day the site will get penalized and the webmaster even don’t know why their site is ranked and why its penalized.

Every blog will undergo this phase and it has to be utilized properly or else you will tend up dumping the existing blog and start one more new, then repeat the cycle.

Category #3. Those Spammy Sites with Thousands of Spam Backlinks

Some webmasters tend to built too many backlinks especially by blog comments, directory submissions, forum posting etc which are considered as spam according to Google. These blogs rankings tend to improve gradually and a stage reaches where their articles come on to the first page. But these blogs will either start falling back slowly or chances that google might deindex these blogs completely from google listing are higher.

So even these sites doesn’t rank long enough.

Category #4. Smart Backlink Strategy Websites/ Blogs

Any kind of link building is considered as spam by google. So, even being smart in building backlinks is also spam without any doubt. But some bloggers understand the search algorithms well and they tend to built few links but very powerful ones like getting links from high PR blogs, sitewides, High PR Directories etc. These blogs tend to rank pretty well.

But no matter how smart you are google will find out the blog one day and penalize it as well. The good thing is it takes some time for the google to identify these blogs and the blogger/webmaster should have made a decent income out of the blog. The worst is all the work he has done these many days will go in vain and he has to restart everything all over again which I think is not a wise option.

Category #5. The Genuine Content Rich Blogs

This is what google wants at the end of the day. These bloggers thrive to provide value to their readers and they work on producing great content for their readers. They don’t focus on building links instead they work on how to earn backlinks with good content. This is a time taking process and a blogger/webmaster need to show a lot of patience for this to happen. These blogs will gradually get organic backlinks and they tend to rank on the front page of google one day.

These blogs don’t get penalized in majority of the cases. However there are evidences that google has also penalized genuine blogs/websites but if the Webmaster is aware of the updates going on in Google Search Algorithm nothing can happen to such blogs. These blogs last longer enough on the front page of google and their organic traffic increases exponentially every day.

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